Marketing plan

The 5Ps of my brand:

Product – my product will be an app available on the apple app store as well as the google play store for those android and google using parents out there. There will be 8 subject categories each with 5 songs each.

Price – The app will start out free to download and will allow you to select one subject that you want to learn about and get all the songs for that subject free but to access any of the other subjects you will need to pay $5 per subject.

Position – I intend it to sit between the low and mid end of the market.

Promotion – Im going to advertise on kids TV networks as well as on social media (mostly facebook) to appeal to the parents of my target audience.

Partners – Possible partner opportunities could lie with big children tv networks as well as individual children’s shows targeted to education.

Communication strategy

  • My target audience is school age children from around ages 6 to 10 but the target market is parents of children within that age range.
  • The objective is through the humanities pursuit of knowledge and hope for the future.
  • It will be an emotional message as it will make kids and parents happy.
  • I will use traditional television advertising and social media (facebook) to get the parents attention about my product.
  • I will create a fictional and loveable character to be the face of my brand and almost become a celebrity itself. I imagine it being something like a bear/cat hybrid with a love for singing and learning.

Possible brand names:

I was quite unsure of a name at first but i knew it had to seem childlike and also memorable and catchy.

here are my choices that havent been trademarked:




I have decided after lots of deliberation that i shall chose “Singucate” as my brand name since it didn’t sound like anything that already existed to limit confusion but still got my ideas across simply.

SWOT Analysis

S- Strengths: The fact that anything like this has not been done on a platform that I am venturing to use. (its uniqueness)

W- Weaknesses: People are often apprehensive to new things so something that hasn’t been done before may take time to catch on.

O- Opportunities: The fact that people are already familiar with songs to teach their children and nursery rhymes.

T- Threats: The amount of failure in most any product is always a threat as what consumers want and need are always changing.

My strategies is to just play to my strengths and follow my passion for my thing and my product.

My new mission statement.

My application will be desirable as it will teach school age children things that even some adults don’t know and get them to continue being inquisitive about learning. I have not seen any kind of application or song for that matter that teaches some of the topics that fall just above the basics we learnt in kindergarten. It will be valuable for the next generation who will need this knowledge to be successful in our ever changing world.

My new idea!

Through some thinking I have realised that my original idea of some sort of way for youtube content creators to notify their fans of uploads and such isn’t really required as the youtube platform is capable of notifying the fanbase enough that my product would be obsolete and therefore go unused.

After much consideration I have decided to create a new idea and product all together while still encompassing aspects from “my thing” i have chosen to create an app that provides songs to children to teach them about various subjects.

My mission statement (old)

With my plugin product, people will have a much more reliable experience with the youtube platform. It will also make it accessible for people to commence producing their own videos on the youtube platform and help current and experienced creators remain relevant and sponsored.

My first Idea

My entrepreneurial idea is to create a plugin for youtube but with an algorithm that recommends content by asking the user to do a quick survey to determine what they are interested in. they will have the ability to take the survey as many times as they want but they will be costed each time they do. also, this plugin will tell the user if their video is going to display an ad, what that ad is about, how long it is and if you can skip it. Also if a YouTuber that they have subscribed to has uploaded or has started a live stream will automatically notify them.

This is desirable as finding content on youtube is hard and the whole notification thing is tricky for users and will benefit content creators.

It is unique as I haven’t seen a thing similar to this out there otherwise I would be using it and I feel that the current system youtube has isn’t working very well for users and creators alike.

It is quite hard to tell if your favourite YouTuber has uploaded so I hope it will improve the lives of the consumers of my product by making that whole process much easier.

What is an entrepreneur?

1. What is an entrepreneur?

Someone who not only has ideas but the willpower, passion, compassion and drive to put them into fruition.

2. What age can you be an entrepreneur?

Almost any age really from 10 to 100

3. What sort of personality and qualities should a successful entrepreneur have?

They to be disciplined, confident and open-minded. They have to become a Self Starter and they need to be willing to get a bit competitive sometimes. they also need lots of Creativity and Determination with some Strong inter-personal and social skills thrown in. they also need a strong work ethic and most of all a burning Passion for their business.

3.5. Why are these needed to be successful?

Because you need to be able to and also want to reach the top that your business can in any way possible. To do that you need all of these skills equipped and ready for whatever struggles you or your business could face almost like a swiss army knife of skills and qualities.

4. Why are Roger and Lesley Gillespie entrepreneurs?

Because they were able to turn their small bakery idea into a huge business.

4.1. Have they been successful so far?

Very much so! they have over 700 stores all around the world and seem to be going strong.

4.2. How did they put their plans in place

They had strong beliefs of what they wanted to achieve and went from there and strove to meet those goals.

4.3. What 3 tips would you give them going forward?

Just to keep on believing and reaching as well as doing what they always have been and delighting consumers and producers alike.

5. What business did Mark Zuckerberg start?

he founded the one and only, famous and infamous Facebook and thanks to that is now worth over $67.1 billion USD!

5.1. How old was he when he did this?

In 2004 when he founded the company he was just a college student at the age of 19.

5.2. Why did he become an entrepreneur?

Because like most other entrepreneurs he had strong beliefs about something being either wrong or inefficient so and decided to do something about it. In marks case, he believed that information should be free and easy to transfer between people.

5.3. What behaviour does he display that makes him an entrepreneur?

He is a risk taker who’s risk paid off.

5.4. What skills does this entrepreneur have?

he has computer programing skills that allowed him to create the website in the first place but I believe that he has since then developed a few other skills including creativity and open-mindedness.

6. What do you think would happen if Australia had no entrepreneurs?

We would all be bored with what we have cause no new ideas and products would be created.

7. Do you think you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?

I believe that I do since I would consider myself quite open-minded and creative with my ideas and I think I have the determination to make that idea a reality.